Cellar Door.  An entryway.  A beautiful phrase. A means to where you store the good stuff.   A gateway to what lies beneath… Some Cellars you enter from within, some from without….

J.R.R. Tolkien, among others, proposed that “Cellar Door” may be the most beautiful phrase in the English language. We agree… Many a great movie scenes take place just inside the Cellar Door… down those dank and dark stairs. Frank the Rabbit met his demise outside the Cellar Door in one of our favorite films. Donnie something or other… Dorothy’s path from Kansas was finalized when she couldn’t gain shelter with Aunty Em and crew just inside the Cellar Door. Few Cellar Doors lead to such good stuff as the one in Evil Dead 1 and 2. And we always like to head down to our own cellar and dust a bottle of the sweet juice off whenever we are watching our favorite flick or celebrating another project.

At Cellar Door Films we are passionate about making MOVIES.  We love everything about them.  We love watching them. Studying them. Going to them.  Writing them. Planning them. Producing them. Filming them. Splicing and Editing and piecing it all together.  And then we put ’em out there. We seek to make films that mean something to us, that are marketable and relevant and “cha ching” bring in a little dosh for the team as well… As we like to say around here: “It ain’t called show BUSINESS for nothin’!”  Charlie Comparetto the Principal behind Cellar Door is a 25+ year veteran of Wall St.  A Banking and Finance degree with an American Studies minor, he’s studied film production at NYU,  attended Robert McKee’s story seminar, The Dov S-S Simens Film School and Akira Kurosawa Film School.  Some of Our favorite films are Empire of the Sun, Cinema Paradisio, The Emerald Forest, Braveheart, It’s a Wonderful Life and O Brother, Where Art Thou? There’s a theme that binds them… If you care to discuss and you’re not a pyschologist hit me up and we’ll dust one off from our own Cellar.  You bring the popcorn we’ll bring the chianti… leave the canoli… ha cha cha.